Read below about some of our practitioners who work here at The Mulberry Rooms.

We are taking on new therapists all the time so watch this space for lots more complementary therapies to come.

More about us Get in touch

Polly Chadwick

Massage Practitioner & Maternity specialist  

Polly is an experienced massage practitioner with over 15 years experience. Owner of The Bath Massage Company which is based in the beautiful city of Bath, Polly set up the company in 2010 which now has a dedicated wellness team of 6 therapists.

Polly now brings her experience to Devon where she and her family are based, and is continuing to run her busy Bath clinic, Polly is now working at The Mulberry Rooms offering her highly professional treatments to the area.  

Passionate about caring for people and families, Polly offers massage for all ages including babies and runs weekly baby massage classes for parents to learn about massage for their infants. Polly also teaches Hypnobirthing using the The Wise Hippo programme to support and help parents-to-be have a positive birth experience.

The treatments Polly offers range from massage for injuries and persistent aches and pains. Massage for specific ailments such as migraines, sciatica, back pain, hip pain, post operation, maternity massage, and much more.

Polly holds qualification in BTEC and ITEC Holistic massage and Anatomy & Physiology, Diplomas in pregnancy massage, deep tissue massage and remedial massage. Acupressure Facial Massage, Hot Stones Massage, Cupping technique and specialist pregnancy massage.

She is a CIMI (Certified Infant Massage Instructor) and trained through the IAIM International Association of Infant Massage and trained as a Hypnobirthing teacher with The Wise Hippo.

FHT Federation of Holistic Therapists
IAIM International Association of Infant Massage
Wise Hippo Hypnobirthing UK

BOOK NOW (Treatments)

Blair Chadwick

Integrative Counsellor

Blair is currently completing his 150 hours of student placement and will be qualified as Integrative Counsellor with an Advanced Diploma from Ironmill in Autumn 2024.

Open to see you wherever you are in your life, Blair welcomes individuals experiencing issues in their relationships, stress, anxiety, depression, anger, self-confidence, difficulties from childhood, OCD, self-harming, PTSD, Bipolar, life transitions, problems at work, addictions, and trauma both past and present.

In a previous life Blair has overlooked the Thames working for Comic Relief and worked in an office as a fundraiser above a hospice.

Leaving home at 17 to study music Blair has recorded three original albums and is still working as a professional musician, playing across the country with his band “Blair and The Bullets”.

He teaches one to one guitar lessons and offers group guitar workshops at The Mulberry Rooms.

Blair cares about people. Be it bringing joy to their weddings with his music, developing them as musicians or making them feel heard in the therapy room.

His core belief is to truly live we must seek connection.

“Each person is at each moment capable of remembering all that has ever happened to him and of perceiving everything that is happening everywhere in the universe.”

― Aldous Huxley, The Doors of Perception / Heaven and Hell


Primrose Russell


Primrose lives on Dartmoor and has been practising Homeopathy since 2009 after she qualified from The Centre of Homeopathic Education in London. Prior to that she studied Naturopathy at CNM, discovering personal self-empowerment and self-healing through natural therapies before being inspired to support others on their healing path.

She takes a very holistic approach incorporating nutritional and lifestyle recommendations, Bach flower remedies and tissue salts into her prescriptions as she deems them necessary.

Homeopathy is a magical therapy that can be used on its own or alongside conventional medicine to support the systems of the body. Homeopathic remedies are given in minute doses so they are non-toxic and very safe. Unlike antibiotics, they will not hamper digestion or lower the immune system.

Effective in chronic and acute cases it can be used in the treatment of various health conditions including:

  • Allergies
  • Respiratory infections
  • Gastrointestinal Disorders
  • Skin complaints such as eczema and psoriasis
  • Hormone and fertility issues
  • Anxiety and depression.
  • Childhood illnesses and autism
  • Sleep Disorders

Primrose is a member of the Society of Homeopaths.

She has a level 2 qualification in regenerative farming and when she is not in clinic she can be found in her garden growing herbs and making balms and syrups which are available at various points in the season to support her patients alongside her homeopathic prescriptions.

Website: www.thedartmoorhomeopath.co.uk
Email: hello@thedartmoorhomeopath.co.uk
Instagram: thedartmoorhomeopath


Dr Marsha Taylor

Independent Chartered & Registered Psychologist

Practitioner & Supervisor. She has over 20 years NHS experience of assessing and treating a broad range of adult mental health conditions with varying degrees of complexity and severity.

Since making the choice to take early retirement from the NHS and become an independent practitioner, Marsha has thoroughly enjoyed the freedom to pursue her specialist areas of interest – from childhood trauma (such as early attachment wounds and neglect) or the more severe Complex PTSD presentations, to trauma suffered as an adult manifesting in PTSD & other anxiety conditions.

Marsha continues to focus on clients who would or should be eligible for therapy in the NHS services but who, for a variety of reasons, choose to go privately.

During the four years as an independent practitioner Marsha has committed herself to acquiring expertise in the application of EMDR. EMDR is an evidenced based trauma therapy model that has evolved to treat a wider range of issues and has come to dominates her practice. Marsha has undertaken the extensive and intensive training journey to achieve EMDR Europe approved Consultant Practitioner status. She is HCPC registered, fully insured, ICO compliant and has Chartered Status with BPS.

If you’d like to learn more then we invite you to look at her website: drmarshataylor.co.uk

If you wish to contact Marsha and arrange an initial 20 minute telephone consultation, then please email: drmarshataylor@outlook.com or call: 07533 075101

Please note Marsha is taking bookings at The Mulberry Rooms from September 2024


Mark Bessell


I have had an interest in anything mind related for many years, reading anything I could to learn increasingly about this complex subject. From this research, I learnt a little about hypnotherapy and the good that it can do. This interest pushed me into applying for one of the most comprehensive Hypnotherapy diploma courses in the UK, at The Devon School of Hypnotherapy.

To be honest, a few years prior to gaining this interest in the mind and hypnotherapy, I laughed at the thought of hypnosis and just thought of it as, well, silly entertainment. I can now see why it is important to get the facts about a subject before waving it away or ridiculing it. Learning, studying, practicing and qualifying as a registered hypnotherapist has opened me up to a new way of thinking.

I continue to learn and study. I feel no reason to stop improving, especially when it helps the wellbeing of others. There is simply always more to learn and ways to improve. Luckily, my interest in the mind and hypnotherapy makes learning a pleasure.

As a Client-Centred Hypnotherapist, my aim will be to focus on your own needs, goals and requirements. As everyone is different, sessions will be tailored to you.

By using this humanistic approach, you will be able to come to your own conclusions, without the personal views, ideas and beliefs of the hypnotherapist. This will allow all positive changes to suit your own personality and morals, leading to longer-lasting results. Your subconscious has the answers so allow me to guide you in finding them.

The subconscious mind is more powerful than most people would give it credit for. It can, amongst other things, control our fears, moods, habits, feelings, behaviours, thoughts, stress, and anxieties. Although our subconscious mind is doing its best to keep us safe and well, it can, when not aligned, sometimes cause inner conflict.

Most therapies talk to the conscious mind. Hypnotherapy, however, talks to the subconscious mind.

Here are just a few examples of what hypnotherapy could help with:

  • Relaxation
  • Social Anxiety Disorder
  • Phobias
  • Unhealthy habits
  • Stress
  • Inner turmoil
  • Weight loss
  • Sports performance
  • PTSD
  • Trauma
  • Sleep issues
  • Confidence
  • OCD
  • Behavioural & Emotional issues
  • Pain relief

Combining hypnotherapy with other therapies/techniques can also be a powerful addition to your sessions at MMB Hypnotherapy. There are many techniques that could be used during a hypnotherapy session. Which of these is used depends on the client, the client’s needs and the issue itself. Parts Therapy, CBT/CBH and regression are examples of these possible combined techniques.

To assure you are in safe, confident, and reliable hands, I am registered with GHSC, GHR and CNHC.

Please see Mmbhypnotherapy.co.uk for booking details and more information on any of the above.


Louise Dawkins


Louise Dawkins is a registered nurse and has specialised within the field of Sexual Health for the last 15 years. In that time Louise has noticed that a lot of counselling services for specialist sexual health issues are no longer available.

Louise first became interested in Hypnotherapy after receiving sessions herself which totally transformed her life, even leading her to fulfil her dream of running the London Marathon (when previously she says she couldn’t even run for a bus!)

She began to research ways in which she could help people with ongoing sexual difficulties and felt that Hypnosis alongside her previous experience would be a fantastic medium to enable me to do this.

As well as being a Registered Hypnotherapist affiliated with the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council she has also specialised in the field of Psychosexual Hypnotherapy. She believes that Hypnotherapy can bring about such rapid and permanent changes to people’s lives, by using a client centred holistic, non-judgemental approach, focussing on the clients future not their past whilst allowing if required previous fears or anxieties to be overcome in a safe, relaxed and calming manner.

Louise uses BWRT® – BrainWorking Recursive Therapy® – which is a new model of psychology and psychopathology that fits comfortably with current thinking on neuroscience. Developed by Terence Watts in 2011 after 35,000 hours of experience working with clients, it is determinedly solution-focused and evidence-based, thus fulfils the requirements of modern therapies.

It’s fast, effective, and long-lasting – usually permanent – and doesn’t require the client to tap, pinch, breathe in a special way, operate an anchor, trigger or any other form of post-therapy device. It just works.

How does it work? The ‘engine’ of BWRT is a naturally occurring brain state, the ‘Freeze’ response, a ‘synthetic’ version of which is induced therapeutically and without trauma. Then we use the primary communication processes of the early brain to reorganise and neutralise the response(s) associated with the presenting symptom.

BWRT uses natural brain processes to get straight to work with the part of the nervous system where all problems originate – and because of this, conscious thought and reasoning aren’t part of the therapy and cannot get in the way. If you think of a nervous symptom like anxiety as being the product of an electrical circuit (it actually is!) then other therapies seek to turn off the switch… but BWRT completely shuts down that part of the generator so it can’t start up again.

In the nine years since it was first taught, BWRT has become the therapy of choice for thousands of practitioners that include psychiatrists, psychologists, counsellors and many other psychological health practitioners around the world.

You can contact Louise at www.abilyhypnotherapy.uk


Stella Grace

Reiki practitioner, astrologer and intuitive card reader

Stella Grace is a holistic therapist, astrologer, intuitive card reader, writer, public speaker, and radio broadcaster. Stella has been practising Reiki professionally since 2016 and teaching it since 2018. She has had a connection with the stars and tarot for nearly 3 decades. 
Through her media work and forthcoming book Stella shares messages of holistic wellness and inspiration to evolve, amongst our often busy lives and challenging life events. Stella believes that with healing and awareness there is gold to be found within adversity and is incredibly passionate about supporting others in this alchemy process, all whilst raising consciousness and vibration in the collective. 
Stella previously supported thousands of teenagers who were on a journey following trauma and adversity in her 15-year career in young people’s community services, specialising in drug and alcohol work with young people for 10 years of that time. Stella graduated with a First Class BA (Hons) in Youth & Community Work in 2007. 
Stella adores working and inspiring people of all ages through helping to feel their best on all levels and connect with their highest potential. Stella enjoys surfing and skateboarding for her own self-care time and spending time with her young family.
You can contact Stella and make a booking for Reiki, Card reading and Astrology chart reading via her website www.stellagrace.me

Amy Chapman

Integrative Counsellor (NCPS/MBACP)

Just like the phases of the moon, we all go through periods in our life which can feel dark. I offer a warm, safe space to work with you through your distress and pain. I’m here to walk alongside you as we explore your thoughts, feelings, emotions and experiences that are causing you distress.

Being a professionally qualified (NCPS/MBACP) integrative counsellor – trained in different therapeutic approaches – I work intuitively to tailor sessions to your unique needs. I work holistically to incorporate your connection to yourself and your environment, looking at the cycles and patterns present in your life and bringing an awareness to the choices and changes which could be made.

My role is to give you time and space to help you to feel empowered to grow and move forwards and bring more light into your life.

Introductory Call – a key part of therapy is the relationship between yourself and your counsellor. Contact me to arrange a free online consultation (15 mins) to find out if I am the right counsellor for you. (Free)

Face-to-Face Sessions

I offer weekly or fortnightly face-to-face sessions from my therapy rooms.

Online Sessions

Engage in therapy from the comfort of your own home. I offer online sessions (through the ‘Whereby’ platform) throughout the week – including evenings.

TO CONTACT Amy and make a booking – www.amychapmancounselling.com



Sally Wilson

Facial and Medicinal Body Guasha and Sound Therapy

Sally has been practicing Chinese Medicine since 2015 and graduated from The College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in Reading. She specialises specifically in Facial and Medicinal Body Guasha Therapy, which is a tissue treatment that works on the meridians and acupuncture points without the use of needles. This treatment helps to move Blood and Qi which in turn brings about homeostasis. If you are after a facial then Guasha is an amazing treatment for rejuvenating and sculpting, but it is also used for medicinal purposes too.

Sally is also a Qualified Sound Therapist and offers tailor-made 1:1 Sound Therapy and Sound Meditation sessions. Sound Therapy is used to correct any frequency imbalances that might be occurring within that can cause health problems whether this be physical or mental / emotional. Sound meditation focuses purely on creating internal peace within. Sally has been interested in the power sound can have on the human body since 2013 and has been studying different processes over this time, and now combines her Chinese Medicine knowledge and Sound Therapy together creating an Acusound treatment using a combination of percussion instruments and Tuning Forks. She also does offer and organises her own Group Sound Baths locally in Devon, and can be hired for private or corporate events if needed.

Outside of her work Sally enjoys being in nature and exploring / hiking with her husband, and with her two Springer Spaniels. Music and singing are a huge passion of hers and she likes to spend time creating and offering singing and explore the voice workshops where possible. Being creative with food is another love of Sally’s and has been really interested in the power of food and its relationship it has with health and wellbeing.

In 2006 Sally qualified at Diploma level in Naturopathic Nutrition and loves to combine this knowledge into her practice as she feels that food is a fundamental part to our health and to getting better.

If you wish for further information please arrange for a free 20 minute chat call Sally on 07930 471919



Cara Humm

Counsellor & Psychotherapist

Cara believes in the transformative power of creativity in the therapeutic process. While she may not consider herself an artist in the traditional sense, Cara is deeply passionate about integrating creative modalities into her work to help clients explore and express their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in unique and meaningful ways.

Cara’s journey into counselling has been deeply influenced by her own experiences with loss and grief, particularly the devastating loss of her brother. Through her personal journey of healing, she discovered a profound sense of purpose in supporting others who are navigating similar challenges, especially those coping with the loss of a baby or child.

Working with clients facing loss requires empathy, compassion, and a deep understanding of the complexities of grief. Cara is committed to providing a safe and nurturing space where clients can explore their emotions, find solace in shared experiences, and discover their own paths to healing and resilience.

Cara offers a person-centred and integrative approach to help individuals navigate life’s challenges and find a path towards healing and growth.

Whether you prefer face-to-face counselling sessions, or online or telephone counselling from the comfort of your own home, Cara’s aim is to create a safe and supportive environment where you can explore your thoughts and feelings without fear of judgement.

Her sessions are tailored to your unique needs, and she draws from a range of therapeutic approaches to help you gain insight, develop coping strategies, and build resilience. Together, she will work towards creating positive change in your life.

If you wish for further information please contact Cara at carahumm@aol.com or 07764 792098. And visit her website https://www.freshhopecounselling.com